Why Am I Doing this Cardio?

You read my blog post from a few weeks ago. I told you that cardio wasn’t the best way to lose weight and then you came into the gym and I had you do cardio and you’re upset. I get it. Before you contact my boss (Morgan, my wife obviously) let me explain. 

I stand by what I said a few weeks ago. If you’re trying to lose weight, I don’t think cardio is the most important thing for you to do. But I DO think it’s important and valuable, no matter what your goal is. 

Cardiovascular fitness will help you get and remain healthier. It will allow you to do more and do it longer. This is huge both for your ability to do more work in the gym and more work outside of the gym without it crippling you. Even if your goal is just to be stronger, increasing your cardiovascular fitness will allow you to do more work which long term will allow you to get stronger. 

Thinking more globally though, your cardiovascular fitness will have a huge impact on how long you live. I really don’t start making money off of you people until you’ve been with us for about 70 years, so I need most of our members to get up to 100-120 years old. I’m teasing of course, but I think we’d be doing all of our clients a disservice if we didn’t do everything we could to help them live a long and healthy life. A healthy heart and lungs goes a long way towards that.

It doesn’t have to be running. It doesn’t have to be biking. It doesn’t have to be ANYTHING that we have in the gym, but you need to find something that works for you that you can be happy with. If you don’t like the cardio your trainer is giving you, then ask them to modify things. I promise we can find some activities that you don’t mind if we put our heads together and think creatively.

I want to help you change your life. If you are ready to get some help, then send me an email at corey@coreblendtraining.com so I can help. 


Corey Davis


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